Nuestra Senora de Lourdes Chapel i San Juan

Puerto RicoNuestra Senora de Lourdes Chapel


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661, Avenida de la Constitución, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-477-2330
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Latitude: 18.4564669, Longitude: -66.0850909

kommentar 5

  • Solann Díaz

    Solann Díaz


    I cannot believe that this place is being left to rot. I hope they fix this place and open it to the public. It is a beautiful place and a special part of Puerto Rico's patrimony. Hopefully it is one day restored to its deserved glory.

  • george cordero

    george cordero


    Historical culture

  • Jonathan Brown

    Jonathan Brown


    Closed to the public.

  • Merari Rodriguez

    Merari Rodriguez


    Closed but I enjoued the walk there, and the exterior is beautiful.

  • Yolanda Márquez

    Yolanda Márquez


    This historical Chapel in the heart of Miramar deserves five stars for its interior beauty, Gothic style and for being a cultural jewel. It can go unnoticed if you do not pay attention to the corner where it is located. But we had the opportunity to attend Saturday Mass at 4pm and it was very spiritual. The chapel was crowded with the Catholics of the community of Miramar and there were people standing. The restoration works promise to polish this jewel and it is a pride to have visited the Chapel while on a walk on the island. This Chapel is a jewel in the heart of Miramar. Deserving of 5 stars for its gothic style, beautiful interior and more than anything for its cultural and historical value. We were able to walk through its historic doors for the Saturday Mass at 4pm and it was a great spiritual experience. The chapel was packed with Miramar residents and it was standing room at one point. Pay attention or you might miss it very easily at its corner location.

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