Numero Uno Beach Hotel & Restaurant i San Juan

Puerto RicoNumero Uno Beach Hotel & Restaurant



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1, Calle Santa Ana, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-726-5010
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4544326, Longitude: -66.0551023

kommentar 5

  • Johnna Hayward

    Johnna Hayward


    Myself and five friends had a great experience at the Numero Uno restaurant! Wonderful beach view and service. The drinks were fabulous (highly recommend the margaritas) while the food was average. If you’re looking for a fun place to hangout this is a great option!

  • April Hill

    April Hill


    Numero Uno Beach House is incredible. My husband and I just got back from Puerto Rico and we enjoyed every moment we spent there: getting to eat delicious food with our feet in the sand and the beach a few steps away, amazing customer service and a gorgeous setting. On our last night in PR (Christmas), Carly was our host and she was incredible: professional, courteous, kind, warm and helpful. She made us feel like we weren’t a nuisance or a bother and she encouraged us with our choice of burgers (they were out of this world by the way). I wish that we could have spent more days there, drinking mimosas on the beach. What I wouldn’t give for more time at Numero Uno and in Puerto Rico as a whole!

  • Alexa Rosario

    Alexa Rosario


    The best spot in Ocean Park Beach! I totally recommend the Tuna Burger and their fish tacos breaded in cornmeal! 🤩 Amazing place, amazing experience.

  • Ian Fernando

    Ian Fernando


    Chill place. Great views. Just a chill relaxing vibe with friendly staff. The food is decent but good for the beach vibes.

  • Gen Small

    Gen Small


    I was here for my birthday and it was supreme customer service and excellent food beachside. I enjoyed mimosas and amazing breakfasts on multiple occasions which were delicious vegetarian options. The staff were all accommodating and pleasant. Also they were very cognizant and sanitary regarding the climate we are currently in so I felt safe and at ease....

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