Oriental i Fajardo

Puerto RicoOriental



🕗 åbningstider

150 Puerto Rico #3, Fajardo, 00738, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-860-5959
internet side: orientalbank.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.345686, Longitude: -65.674443

kommentar 5

  • JOE JJ

    JOE JJ


    This Bank is a nightmare, it never compares to Scotiabank. The staff are horrible, they are dry and rude. I'm moving from this bank to another. Once I took out 3,000 dollars and my wife counted them after we got out of the bank car and to our surprise the clerk gave us 1,200 dollars, when I went to claim they squared and indeed I was missing a lot of money. They gave me the rest that was missing and they didn't even apologize. The Oriental in Fajardo is horribleeeee. I do not recommend it to ANYONE.

  • Chef Zeravla

    Chef Zeravla


    Good bank

  • charles guenther

    charles guenther


    Update: after this review the manager of the fajardo branch reached out to us personally. He was abke to provide the help we needed within one hour. This help that every ither person we were able to contact through the website or main customer service number assured us would take between 1 week and 30 days to complete. If we were even able to have somebody answer our calls. So to clarify if you need anything done reach out to local branches as they seem to actually care about customer service. Do not waste time or effort contacting oriental corporate customer service for anything as they do not care about you and do not want to do their job. Original review: Not this branch in particular but Oriental in general is a horrible bank and extremely unprofessional. We have been given false information, had service representatives lie about there names when helping us, lie about processing service requests and outright hang up on us. Find any other bank possible for a mortgage. If 0 or negative stars were and option it would be what they deserve. My scotia bank purge the terrible customer service reps and save the good ones would be the only reason to consider Oriental in the future.

  • Emmanuel Torres Mangual

    Emmanuel Torres Mangual


    What a bank horror😱

  • Jaime Abreu Goitia

    Jaime Abreu Goitia


    Many years without complaint. excelent service. Thanks to all the girls. The best . Fajardo plaza

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