Oriental Bank- Sucursal Las Catalinas i Caguas

Puerto RicoOriental Bank- Sucursal Las Catalinas



🕗 åbningstider

Carretera52, Int.156, Las Catalinas Mall, Caguas, 00725, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-653-0430
internet side: orientalbank.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.235055, Longitude: -66.040163

kommentar 5

  • Edwin Torres

    Edwin Torres


    The worst banking institution I don't know how they are still operating, you still have to make an appointment, you ask something, they look for another to see if they know, incredibly

  • Maritza Hernandez

    Maritza Hernandez


    Too slow the car bank. Opinion should put a teller for auto bank especially I was 30 minutes in line. Too much time for that. I understand that they are delicate transactions, using a more trained teller in that area. Thanks I hope you can improve.

  • Sally Asc

    Sally Asc


    The weirdest car bank I've ever seen, poorly built. I came to do a favor and I would never become a member of such a poor and lousy bank.

  • George Engel

    George Engel


    Slow inefficient service.

  • Hector Delgado

    Hector Delgado


    Service extra pesimo, a separate row for non-members and almost do not pay attention and pa even though the check is theirs if you are not a member they charge 2 dollars

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