Origami Sushi i Bayamón

Puerto RicoOrigami Sushi



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 167, 00957, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-418-0701
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Latitude: 18.3604409, Longitude: -66.1885103

kommentar 4

  • es

    Josue David


  • Sook Nam

    Sook Nam


    If I could give a zero for this place I would. I ordered the salmon and tuna sushi rolls along with dumplings. The presentation of the rolls were horrendous enough that I wanted to throw them away. The rolls were incredibly pathetic, my 10 year old son can roll better than the person that made these rolls. The taste was HORRIBLE!!! I might as well just drank rice vinegar. The dumplings we also pretty sad, I didn't even try them, however my son said that they were OK. So if a 10 year old says it is OK, that means he was hungry enough to eat them because there was no other options. In the picture that I included, the top roll is done by my 10 year old and the bottom are the items I purchased. Don't waste your money.

  • Gerardo Torres

    Gerardo Torres


  • Nickole López-Ortiz

    Nickole López-Ortiz


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