Pandora Jewelry i San Juan

Puerto RicoPandora Jewelry



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525, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-758-1385
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4220743, Longitude: -66.0742342

kommentar 5

  • Lady Di

    Lady Di


    I went to one of the stores located in Plaza Las Americas with the purpose of changing the size of a ring that I bought on July 3, 2020. When I went, the treatment was degrading, and the supervisor told me that she would not change the ring for the change of color (something that I had not even used because it didn’t fix me) a ring that I paid at its original price ($ 111.00). The supervisor replied that she would not exchange it for this reason but the worst thing was that she said: would you buy this ring ?, leaving me to see that the ring did not even have value. I will talk about this in my networks because it cannot be that they cheat their clients with merchandise that does not last even a month.

  • Rafael Ramos

    Rafael Ramos


    Best innovative jewel store

  • Ariana Alejandra

    Ariana Alejandra


    If I could give this Pandora 0 stars, I would. The service was terrible. I was looked upon as though I would buy nothing and was judged by my apparent age. I simply wanted a gift for my cousin who was with me and I was offered horrible service and no suggestions at all. She gave me attitude and claimed things were out of stock when a fellow worker spoke up on one thing she said and said she was wrong and that they did have that item. I work at a Pandora in Georgia, and my boss would cut my head off if that was how I treated my customers. Cashiers were talking instead of getting customers in and out. I would have bought more if I was given good service. Save your money and go to the Pandora at Plaza la Caribe and see Hilala. She was great!

  • Jerry Cordova

    Jerry Cordova


    Good fashion jewelry.

  • Joshua Colon

    Joshua Colon


    Every piece of jewelry tells a story...

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