Parking Entrance of the Escambrón Beach i San Juan

Puerto RicoParking Entrance of the Escambrón Beach



🕗 åbningstider

Calle San Agustín, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4660797, Longitude: -66.0927304

kommentar 5

  • René Novysedlák

    René Novysedlák


  • Kevin Koehler

    Kevin Koehler


    This is a good place for cheap parking (under $5.00) and a good location if you are going to the beach and spending a good portion of the day there. My wife and I have also parked here just to walk around the area because you can't beat the price.

  • S C

    S C


    With him I change and the plug is the most mediocre thing I've seen. And the people quiet. Paying for our beach and you sell it as parking. And the owner's face as if he has not realized how mediocre it is. Let him go to his country to charge for the entrance of the beach.

  • Levi Pack

    Levi Pack


    Cheap, cheap cheap parking!!!!!!

  • Mandy Aguilar

    Mandy Aguilar


nærmeste Parkering

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