Pepe Abad Toyota i Cayey

Puerto RicoPepe Abad Toyota



🕗 åbningstider

735, Montellano carr, 00736, Cayey, Monte Llano, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-263-5388
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.1245119, Longitude: -66.1373412

kommentar 5

  • Robert Rivera

    Robert Rivera


    Fui ha una cosa y sali con vehículo nuevo. Gracias. a la seňora Reina

  • es

    Pedrol Mauras


    Muy buen trato

  • Jose Agis

    Jose Agis


    Excellent service, but place was crowded on Saturday. Too many hours (6) of waiting for oil change and brakes replacement

  • Jackie Segarra

    Jackie Segarra


    My husband and I purchased a car here, the service was excellent! Outstanding attention from Natalia, Ricardo, Rocio, and many others. We also had our older Toyota repaired and they also treated us very well, from the gentleman behind the counter to the one that serves as taxi driver. We are very pleased and hope that things continue as good in the coming years of service. Thank you all at PepeAbad Toyota Cayey!

  • Zeb McClure

    Zeb McClure


    Great service and people. First car dealership that has made me feel like they are there for more than just the initial sale.

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