Planet Fitness i Hatillo

Puerto RicoPlanet Fitness



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Int. State Roads PR-2 Km. 89.9, PR-130 & No. 1 Street, Hatillo, 00659, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-777-8705
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.481724, Longitude: -66.823202

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rose Cuevs


    Complete workout Gym located in Hatillo. 24/7

  • Aida Mora

    Aida Mora


    Yes I go every day in am very good have all kind a machine and massages love it

  • Ruben W Marcial

    Ruben W Marcial


    Worst ever! Closed for 6 months and not a single email!!!

  • Gabriela Cruz-Serrano

    Gabriela Cruz-Serrano


    Great place! The people there were respectful and nice, the facilities are awesome. I got nothing bad to say

  • en

    Shaggy s


    I'll start with the positive, great space to exercise, flexible times and new equipment. As a new establishment got a lot to improve but a lot. First of all staff don't check the exercise areas ( most of the people don't clean the equipment after exercise and there are children below the established age). In some areas water falls from the ceiling ( people exercise while there are workers trying to fix it). The hygiene in the bathrooms is not always the best; sometimes are smelly and dirty (at least in the men restroom). For the Blackcard users, don't have all the xtras yet. If you wanna try it and get a new experience is ok, but it's not everything as advertised.

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