Plaza San Juan Bautista i San Juan

Puerto RicoPlaza San Juan Bautista


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Puerta de Tierra, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4675408, Longitude: -66.1060121

kommentar 5

  • az

    Rasime Mehdiyeva



  • en

    Kevin Koehler


    Plaza San Juan Bautista sits right across the street from the Capital of Puerto Rico and has a nice walking path along the road. There are glass mosaics of the major townships and cities displayed and are very detailed. The view on the North side of the plaza is of Playa Peña Beach and the Caribbean sea.

  • es



    Bella vista

  • Ana Judith Guadalupe

    Ana Judith Guadalupe


    Lugar bonito para disfrutar la vista al mar y para ver un poco de historia!

  • robert mark polintan

    robert mark polintan


    This park starts in front if the capitolio and will take you about 40 minutes to walk to balneario del escambron. Long stretch with areas where you can sit on to rest like benches and balconies to view the beautiful atlantic ocean. A stairway also leading you to the beach where you can take a wonderful selfie or a solo pic with magnificent background. :)

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