Policía de Puerto Rico- Cuartel General i San Juan

Puerto RicoPolicía de Puerto Rico- Cuartel General


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601, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00936, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-793-1234
internet side: policia.pr.gov
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Latitude: 18.417086, Longitude: -66.0777639

kommentar 5

  • M&M Correa

    M&M Correa


    No parking. Had to park on the street.

  • Steven Smith

    Steven Smith


    December 19, 2019. I've just learned of the decision by the Department of Transportation to no longer allow the traffic-free Sunday Morning Walk and Bicycle event from 7 to 11am. In doing so, they invoked the "lack of support" by the police. What? I pick up trash there every Sunday Morning. I've seen only positive attitudes and the gratefulness of the real police persons to participate in a non-crime-environment duty for the community. This is another disaster for our crime-ridden island and it's citizens. Absolute lethargy by entrenched government! They can't even support this wonderful volunteer, self-supporting event that has been one of the few redeeming features of our constantly negativised island.

  • Jaime Lugo

    Jaime Lugo


    The civil personnel in this facility always mistreat the police officers. In my last visit the Director of "Nomina" literally yelled at my father while he was trying to obtain information regarding money owed to him. The people in this office do not treat the Police Officers and Former Police Officers with respect, didn't even have the courtesy and/or professionalism of talking with him in private but asked him and everybody else his businesses outside in the hall in front of everyone. I believe it is outrageous that this person is the director of this office when she clearly does not possess any professionalism.

  • Richie Rich

    Richie Rich



  • Roberto Cofresi

    Roberto Cofresi


    Nice building.

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