Policía de Puerto Rico- División de Vehículos Hurtados San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoPolicía de Puerto Rico- División de Vehículos Hurtados San Juan


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Puerto Rico 39, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-1690
internet side: policia.pr.gov
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Latitude: 18.4484485, Longitude: -66.081786

kommentar 5

  • Lcdo. Oscar A. Morales-Lugo

    Lcdo. Oscar A. Morales-Lugo


    The seals explain well and detailed. The problem is that you have to go and wait for them to listen to you to know the instructions. Also, people who have vehicles with parts added and who are going to export them, should try to go 1 day after having obtained the Certification of Vehicles Hurtados (maximum term) to Public Works (eye: to the Center that corresponds, Carolina, Bayamón, etc.) so that they place "label" on the piece. Without this you will not be able to export. You must keep in mind that to export vehicles, in total, you will spend over $ 70.00 on Internal Revenue stamps and affidavit. Go with good attitude!

  • pau Mill

    pau Mill


    Today I went to do some negotiations and the one that took care of me in stolen vehicles was an official brunette she was super arrogant until she disrespected me. The one that does not want to work that goes to his house.

  • emilienne caceres

    emilienne caceres


    As constructive criticism, they should have the accessible information of what documents are necessary for one to have them at hand instead of having to go early in the morning, to lose hours so that they give you the information. Puerto Rico does not want progress.

  • Zoe Cuevas

    Zoe Cuevas


    Four hours waiting for a unit in front of my house and the number of them does not work. Freaking shame.




    Do you have any number which one can communicate?

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