Puerto Rico Car Transport i Bayamón

Puerto RicoPuerto Rico Car Transport



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Carretera 840, 00983, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-594-1092
internet side: www.puertoricocartransport.com
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Latitude: 18.3762632, Longitude: -66.1752675

kommentar 5




    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!! I would give them no stars if I could because one star is way too much for them! Save yourself the trouble and don’t go with them! They lie about the dates your vehicle will arrive, they have our car for a month now and still it has not arrived in Puerto Rico! They keep changing the date and give you some bs as to why the date changes! But they are quick to take your money right away!

  • Sergio Solares

    Sergio Solares


    Very unprofessional company!!. They gave me a date on when my car would get delivered and it didn't. 5 days later and I still don't have my car. What is worst, they don't even have the decency to call and let me know where my car is. I called them early the day my car was supposed to arrive to make sure, I got a very dismissive person saying yeah it will get there today. I tried getting a hold of them, it was impossible, today finally my call went through, and I get a "let me find out where it is".

  • Wilson Lozano

    Wilson Lozano


    They will lie to you in order to close the deal. They offer me to deliver my car in one specific date and then they change the date. They don't answer the calls. Don't use this service.

  • David Lopez

    David Lopez


    Don't ship your vehicle with this company, thats all I'm going to say.

  • Manuel Rivera

    Manuel Rivera


    Worst transport company imaginable, originally I was told vehicle would be ready on the 22nd of the month, then I was told it would be ready on the 28th, then 31st but it would then take 1-3 additional days due to necessary inspections. I landed (moved to the island) on the 22nd, meaning the entire time I was on the island I was forced to rent a car because of their lack of timely service. They refuse to credit back any amount despite my added expenses. Do yourself a favor and spend the extra money work another transport company.

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