Puerto Rico National Cemetery i Bayamón

Puerto RicoPuerto Rico National Cemetery



🕗 åbningstider

50, Avenida Cementerio Nacional, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-798-8400
internet side: www.cem.va.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4092355, Longitude: -66.1715257

kommentar 5

  • Juju Jamba

    Juju Jamba


    My grandfather is buried there. He was in WWll. It’s such a beautiful place and so well taken care of. Thank you to all those who maintain it. Our soldiers deserve to be honored and remembered with dignity. Tomorrow I will bury my grandmother with my grandfather there.

  • Diviandry Cardona

    Diviandry Cardona


    The gave me the time and the respect my mom deserved!

  • Luisa Handelsman

    Luisa Handelsman


    I have family buried there. It is the most Beautiful and peaceful place I have been. Thank you all who take such good care of it..

  • Eloy Martinez

    Eloy Martinez


    The most Beautiful resting place on Earth.

  • Iris Santiago

    Iris Santiago


    It is beautiful! My dad is buried at this cemetery for he was a Korea War Veteran. It is so well kept that I was so impressed. Beautiful landscaping and employees all over the place working. Best place to have your dad buried.

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