Restaurant El Popular i San Juan

Puerto RicoRestaurant El Popular



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250 Calle Jose M. Rafucci Morales, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-4653
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4506271, Longitude: -66.0702945

kommentar 5

  • Raul Reyes

    Raul Reyes


    Local food always yummy, good size portions and fare prices. Staff is super friendly

  • Simon Drury

    Simon Drury


    Resting on it's reputation is not a great recipe of future success and unfortunately people's memories of good local food here are going to be shattered. This is one of the oldest restaurants in the area, but now not one of the best anymore.

  • Lawrence Chen

    Lawrence Chen


    Very salty food, spend $130 but had bad taste. Good mushroom but bad local food 1 star for the singer.

  • Carlos Delgado

    Carlos Delgado


    Puertorrican food is excellent. Service is good

  • Bianca B

    Bianca B


    The best fish paella I had in years. The mojitos are fabulous also. Loved the service and the live music.

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