Río Piedras i San Juan

Puerto RicoRío Piedras


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San Juan, 00925, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.3996253, Longitude: -66.0521436

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Rondon

    Francisco Rondon


    Hi Rio Piedras Puerto Rico is the place were i born from a small and humboldt family. Like many Puerto Ricans i was raised with respect. religion and pride. My mother and father teach me how to start a life base on the concept of believing in God and the respect to anny other living creature is the only way that u gone be treat the same way. I achieve a good education for the year's that i live on my beloved little island. After i was raised with the love and care of my parents the time for a change came like many others i move to the States. And after that life start to show me the reality of life.And i learn that wen u really want to achieve something u got to show and give the best of u use all the good inside of u.Because i earned the reality of the wen u want to achieve the American Dream u better be well and completely Awake and ready. Or u can miss the opportunity.And that sometime only happen like that one time only. After all life is really good if u can adjust to it.This is how is been working for me.Remember love the place from were u are.and the place gone love u back. From a proud Puerto Rican. Keep it from the Heart

  • Felix De Jesus

    Felix De Jesus


    LLega directo frente de la plaza de recreo o al Cesco

  • Constancio Soto

    Constancio Soto


  • Lisette Landron

    Lisette Landron


  • Charles Lee Salgado

    Charles Lee Salgado


    It's amazing how much Puerto Rico has changed in the last 20 years with train transportation for public and new buildings and construction

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