Robinson School i San Juan

Puerto RicoRobinson School



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5, Nairn Street, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-999-4604
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.453588, Longitude: -66.0653655

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Rivera-Surillo

    Jorge Rivera-Surillo


    Great school! A very proud alumni!!

  • es

    Delvin Maria Rosado


    Excelentes maestros y facilidades

  • en

    Karina Pacheco


    Without a doubt, Robinson is the best school in Puerto Rico. International Baccalaureate education, top of the line professors, beautiful landscapes, and the latest technology. What more can you ask for?

  • Francisco Rivera Cabrera

    Francisco Rivera Cabrera


    I am a Robinson alumni and now a proud parent of two boys. Robinson has been an excellent school for them. It has been a second home for my sons.

  • Mayda Hernández

    Mayda Hernández


    I feel more than proud of my daughter's development inside this school. Paola came to Robinson in seventh grade with difficulties to concentrate and low grades because of that problem. We brought her to this school with great hope on her improvement. We saw the great clean environment and only a few students in each classroom, and we didn't hesitate to try it. We definitely hope well. Paola's development at Robinson School was amazing. She participated in every extra curricular activity and her personality changed for good. Robinson teachers and staff with their attention, were the clue to success. Now she is in her first year at the University of Puerto Rico and she is doing very good. We thank Robinson for fulfilling our expectations!!

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