Selectos i Bayamón

Puerto RicoSelectos



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Bayamón Market Place Carr. PR-167, Bayamón, 00959, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-780-4031
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3939662, Longitude: -66.1574515

kommentar 5

  • Ana Rodriguez

    Ana Rodriguez


    I love to go shopping at that particular Selectos, Bayamon Carr. 167 the only complaint that I have sometimes is that the cashiers aren't very people friendly. At least the one that checked us out today, seems like she has an issue and shouldn't be working with the public after all being nice doesn't cost anything and it means a lot for the customers. Please , please educate the cashiers and store personnel that customers like to be treated like they matter, after all we spend out money their and they have jobs dependent on us.

  • Kevin “Wolf” Torres

    Kevin “Wolf” Torres


    Love the quality of the produce and meats here, very wide variety of things to get at good value.

  • Peter Smith

    Peter Smith


    Outstanding and very helpful staff. Stock was done 100%. 1st in this store as I have been to another store same name and I would never go back to them again.

  • Emmet



    At least today, all the prices were really good. The produce was fresh and pretty. It wasn't too crowded and it was a chill trip.

  • Esther Camacho

    Esther Camacho


    It is the best supermarket I've ever been. Clean, well organized and has everything.

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