Sizzler Bayamon i Bayamón

Puerto RicoSizzler Bayamon



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Av. Río Hondo, 00922, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-785-8686
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4130179, Longitude: -66.1614864

kommentar 5

  • Denis Vázquez-Gascot

    Denis Vázquez-Gascot


    Variety food in salad bar. Basically haven't to pay for main plate.

  • Sun Light

    Sun Light


    Here again!!! I've been here a couple of times already 🙂 The service is good. And the food is delicious. We usually get the buffet which I love. There is so many food I cam eat instead of one 🍽️... We eat and repeat all you can eat lol. I do recommend. Clean, and family friendly. Enough parking and ♿. For now they don't accept Discover it Credit card, But accept the rest😉

  • Jimmy Vega

    Jimmy Vega


    Sizzler serves a la cart or buffet. I enjoy the buffet because of it's varied food offerings from salads to main course and dessert. All at a very reasonable price. There is plenty of both parking as well as seating.

  • Nelson Dvel

    Nelson Dvel


    Sizzler has been my parents favorite place to eat. So much so that we went there every Sunday. However, months ago on three occasions. Their food quality, taste, and preparation was outright terrible. Food had absolutely no taste to the point that not even the salt would make a difference. The fried chicken and pork was so overcooked that you could not cut it with a knife. And it was so hard that you could chip your tooth for trying to eat it. Rice was extremely oily, fruits were bitter with a strange taste and smell. Since that experience we have been going to bonanza for several months. On this occasion, we wanted to see if anything had improved since our last vist. The unfortunate truth was that if anything, everything there worsened more than what we could of imagined. So we basically substituted the buffet for ice cream.

  • Angel Cruz

    Angel Cruz


    Very clean, attention from staff was cordial. I ordered the Porterhouse steak medium rare, it came in well done. The side order was tostones (fried bananas) They were over cooked to hard to bite.

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