Solera i San Juan

Puerto RicoSolera



🕗 åbningstider

1077, Avenida Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-7500
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4573373, Longitude: -66.0736062

kommentar 5

  • Margo Sahadzh

    Margo Sahadzh


    Amazing food, their stake with eggs is delicious. The meat is good quality, and drinks are sooo good. Great a vacation spot and must visit if you are looking to relax on a nice day by the pool

  • Семен Уткин

    Семен Уткин


    Worst place at the shore. Drinks are horrible, been waiting for food for ages. Even one star is to good for this place. Not recommend at all

  • Maria Teresa Ramos

    Maria Teresa Ramos


    Went for brunch (covid times) and it was awesome, they are really clean and followed every safety protocol. It's in a open space with sea breeze and a view. Fell in love with the cocktail Ginger Pop and the food was delicious.

  • Minelly Gonzalez

    Minelly Gonzalez


    Love the views! Service and cocktails were great. Definitely will be back with my girlfriends again

  • Miled Forestier

    Miled Forestier


    Went for brunch with my girlfriends and everything was great. We ended up staying much longer than expected. The service was excellent, so was the food and drinks. Would definitely recommend!

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