Supermercados FamCoop i Río Grande

Puerto RicoSupermercados FamCoop



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Puerto Rico 3, 00745, Río Grande, Zarzal, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-809-6116
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Latitude: 18.3794934, Longitude: -65.7927927

kommentar 5

  • justin rivera (kinjus0675)

    justin rivera (kinjus0675)


    I love this supermarket. Great prices, centrally located in Rio Grande right off Rt 3. Food is fresh and the place is clean. They also serve hot food during the day.

  • Brien Ling

    Brien Ling


    Wish it was closer to hotel. Not dominated by Goya and that is a good thing. I want to taste someone's grandma's version of their spices. If you can't find something, probably locked up front like razors or lube 😀. Hoping it was just me but be steadfast when buying seafood. The shrimp tasted raw even after being cooked 1/2 hour. One tasted like pure ammonia which is sometimes used as a preservative. Threw away the salmon out of fear. They also sell liquor!!!!

  • Judith Medina

    Judith Medina


    New Grocery store" Famcoop" better by far than Selecto. Love The maximize the space.Looks better and comfy to walk through. Prices get higher during this season Guess everything is more expensive but... be carefull there are a difference of 1 dollar in a product and that its really a Lot !

  • Cris French

    Cris French


    The store basically has some of everything from food, to beer, wine and liquor. They also have some souvenirs available for the visitors. I would definitely stop here again.

  • Tech Minded

    Tech Minded


    This supermarket is only about 10 minutes from our resort. Some of the staff speak English, but you will run into several locals who do not speak English. They have a large selection as you'd expect from any supermarket. They took debit and credit cards as well as cash. I've been there twice now and the pricing was fair, and the staff was helpful.

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