Surety One, Inc. i San Juan

Puerto RicoSurety One, Inc.



🕗 åbningstider

404, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-333-0222
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.464445, Longitude: -66.095105

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dan Quarella


    Great crew to work with. Very knowledgeable and fun to talk to.

  • george stephens

    george stephens


    Needed a statement of bondability and these people came through for me even though I had some credit issues. Really polite reps.

  • es

    Sharon Poindexter


    Gente más chevere. Estoy súper orgullosa de ese equipo. ¡TAN profesionales son!

  • en

    Vance Dolan


    I didn't realize that I had allowed my pistol dealers bond to lapse. If these folks hadn't have agreed to backdate my surety bond I would have been fined by the state. They got the bond to me within an hour or so too. I really appreciate you going the extra mile Surety One! Thank you!

  • Srikanth Pilla

    Srikanth Pilla


    Was in urgent need of fidelity bond for one my client. Constantin from Surety One charged me $1800 for the same bond issued for $700 with other agents. He issued the bond on 3rd day (the final day of submission) and hasn't mentioned my client as loss payee. After 3 reminders, he left for the day without making changes on the bond and returned back only to issue the bond with changes after the working hours and I could not submit my application. He ensured I paid him over wire, so that doesn't have to return the money.

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