Sweet Ann Cakes i Carolina

Puerto RicoSweet Ann Cakes



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1225, Calle Marginal Villamar, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-230-7141
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 18.4444073, Longitude: -66.031624

kommentar 5

  • Alex Tonka

    Alex Tonka


    If you have a sweet tooth this is your place! Awsome cakes, cheesecakes and pastries in the Carolina area. They also have lunch!

  • Waleska Torres-Toro

    Waleska Torres-Toro


    Great place to buy cakes and dessert. Friendly staff, clean tables, parking lot, variety of flavors. Cakes are delicious! The employee that help me to select the best cake, was very helpful; she made useful suggestions and ran the extra mile to find me other desert as well.

  • Gary Morel

    Gary Morel


    They are known for there sweets but they have a really extensive lunch menu. My family likes to eat there and we pay a frequent visit. I recommend it, great customer service

  • Reinaldo Cruz Sierra

    Reinaldo Cruz Sierra


    Nice place! They have a large amount of different cakes, they all taste great😋 I order many things and I was very satisfied! The employees are very professional and their uniforms were very creative!

  • Wilmalie Sotelo

    Wilmalie Sotelo


    This is just the place to go if you want a great cake! There's many flavors to choose from and the decoration is always impeccable. They also serve sweets, coffee, breakfast and lunch (lunch being definitely very underrated). Bakery girls are dressed as ragdolls and the place looks like a doll house, very cute.

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