T L Realty i Fajardo

Puerto RicoT L Realty



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Rd 987 St A 214 Santa Isidra Fajardo, United States, Fajardo, 00738, Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-863-4419
internet side: tlrealty.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3333533, Longitude: -65.6454879

kommentar 5

  • es

    Tamyka Garcés


    Puede mejorar

  • Gale Horn

    Gale Horn


    They give excellent service. They will do their best to find the place and answer your questions. Ask for Tammy or Elizabeth.

  • Feli



    Excellent Service

  • Eileen Bonilla Mercado

    Eileen Bonilla Mercado


    Tammy and Otoniel (owners) are excellent, family owned. GREAT SERVICE!!!! They are very professional and with a lot of experience in the realty business. The great thing about this realty business is that they do property management too. You can let them take care of your property and you don't have to worry about maintenance or dealing with the tenants, they do all that for you. I recommend them!!

  • en

    Jose Martinez


    Tammy is very knowledgeable professional and experienced. She took care of us from start to finish. I would highly recommend her for all your real estate needs.

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