Tanama River Adventures i San Juan

Puerto RicoTanama River Adventures



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Road #111 Km 48.4 Bo, San Juan, Utuado 00641, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-462-4121
internet side: tanamariveradventures.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3958126, Longitude: -66.0671709

kommentar 5

  • B A

    B A


    This is the agency’s address. We traveled all this way to find nothing.

  • Kobi Battistini

    Kobi Battistini


    Very cool! Beautiful scenery! The trail is a challenge but very worth it. Our pictures are amazing but waterproofing is necessary! It will get wet. Our guide was so nice and treated us like family. I will go back very soon

  • Ariel Irizarry

    Ariel Irizarry


    We did the short rapelling (45ft) and cave tubing option. We were a group of 4 (2 couples) and had a blast! The tour guides were super knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. The place is beautiful and the water is cool which is very refreshing in the hot weather. I would definitely recommend it to anyone going to Puerto Rico. At the end of the tour they also took us to a restaurant to try the local cuisine which was delicious!

  • ynallem z

    ynallem z


    Excellent customer service. We were prepped on what to expect and safety was emphasized. Wonderful tour guide. We've seen beautiful views and the entire experience was really awesome. Had a great authentic Puerto Rican meal after the tour. I loved everything about this experience.

  • Jose Diaz

    Jose Diaz


    Back from my latest adventure. Rappelling is cool. Canyoneering is cool. Caving is cool. Wrap that up with flora, fauna, and geology lessons, then you have a great day! Professional knowledgeable and safe. Francisco, Omar and BJ all did a great job. Activity level was moderate so it's very accessible for many and a wide age group.

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