The Butterfly People @ Puerto Rican Art and Crafts i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Butterfly People @ Puerto Rican Art and Crafts



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204, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-2432
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4649072, Longitude: -66.1156449

kommentar 5

  • Dane Bryan

    Dane Bryan


    Small but cute butterfly exhibit.. the displays are amazing and flawless and the prices surely reflect that.

  • Spencer Mancillas

    Spencer Mancillas


    Beautiful art and friendly + amazing staff. So happy that we decided to stop in. Just, truly stunning stuff.

  • Kastriot Pasholli

    Kastriot Pasholli


    It's not just a butterfly shop! It's like a Temple of peace and positivity! The owners (a couple) are amazing people full of knowledge! They made me a good discount for buying more products! It's a MUST! They speak like 7 or more languages very helpful people. No photos respect the old man please!

  • Alicia B

    Alicia B


    This is a must have stop to view some beautiful artwork and stunning butterflies. I stumbled across this place in a random review two days before my trip to PR. I have a very special place in my heart for butterflies so I was thrilled to add this to my list of places to see. This was number one on my list in Old San Juan. We had a great chat and connection with the owner who was incredibly kind and warm. We ran into her and her husband, the artist, a few hours later. It's one of those moments you know you are exactly where you're supposed to be. I was so honored to have met these people that I sent then my whole story of the significance butterflies have in my life. Not long after sharing a horrific story of an F-5 tornado, I am watching my friends on television as Hurricane Maria has wrecked havoc on this beautiful island. I am sending many thoughts.

  • Astrid Macias

    Astrid Macias


    I love it here! The butterfly art is spectacular and the owners are friendly! We just moved to the area and the owner gave us a map and showed us places to check out. The store cat is also adorable! I highly recommend giving the butterfly people a visit! She makes beautiful necklaces too! Don't pass this place up!

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