The Home Depot i Carolina

Puerto RicoThe Home Depot



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133 65th Ave Bo, Carolina, 00983, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-776-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.394035, Longitude: -65.9990159

kommentar 5

  • Zoe Ocasio

    Zoe Ocasio


    Need more employees on floor.

  • Eva Tormos

    Eva Tormos


    Protocols truly in place. Plenty of sales associates and customers. Very well stocked with current much needed items.

  • Deliminator



    Very good Sunday visit. Maybe it was the voting polls or they believed it wasn't open but there was no line to enter neither to pay. Found everything and even bought a washing machine in less that 30 minutes.

  • Walter Snell

    Walter Snell


    Went this morning near the noon hour. Hard to find parking. No wait to get in and found the merchandise, but when I went to pay they would not let me use the two open self checkout kiosks. They said I had to wait in the line that stretched to the back of the store. Why not have 2 separate lines, one for self checkout and the other for the rest? I left the merchandise.

  • Sandra Martinez-Giraldez

    Sandra Martinez-Giraldez


    Went to Carolina store. The line was huge, but it took less than 45 minutes to enter the store. Dis my shopping and both lines, cashier and self checking were long. They were very well organized and runned smoothly and relative fast. I chose self check which had 2 staff members in the area. They were very helpful.

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