The Market Box i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Market Box



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667, Puerto Rico 25, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-680-2238
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4561166, Longitude: -66.0838637

kommentar 5

  • Heather Dolland Tamam

    Heather Dolland Tamam


    Absolute gem in Miramar! The menu is created with care and all items are chosen with the same attention to detail.

  • Jayden Kris

    Jayden Kris


    no one was at the door to greet, place looks cute and fancy and it shows in your bill.. i think its overpriced the quality of our meal was ok..

  • Trinity Ames

    Trinity Ames


    Me and my friends came here last minute, food was outstanding the vibes were immaculate, the service was out of this world. Definitely would recommend 10/10 get their Rockefeller oysters.

  • Alex M

    Alex M


    $22 for a tiny undercooked salmon and 5 thin slivers of zucchini. Rediculous. Don't eat there. I guess drink but definitely don't eat, its disgusting.

  • oscar Rodriguez

    oscar Rodriguez


    Brand new small market with outside seating for breakfast lunch and I believe dinner too. Selective groceries products and a really good selection of Wines, Beer and Spirits. I went there just to see the place and I will definitely return. I wish them all the best of luck. Only downside for a first time experience was that they sold us coffee (really good by the way) and some pastries (not to go) and they didn’t let us drink our coffee and eat our pastries at one of the tables because we weren’t going to order from the menu. There was no one there but we understood, asked for a box to save the pastries and left. Not the best way to start acquiring costumers but like I said I will definitely return.

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