The Outlets at Montehiedra i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Outlets at Montehiedra



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Camino Los Romeros, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-720-6165
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3385775, Longitude: -66.0680315

kommentar 5

  • Cris Del Valle

    Cris Del Valle


    Variety of products can be found in many of these stores. Always observing an aggressive protocol on Covid-19.

  • Elena 787

    Elena 787


    Very easy access. Variety of stores need attention. Parking wise, it was amazingly easy to find a spot.

  • Carlos Quintero

    Carlos Quintero


    Safe, accesible, a variety stores like Old Navy, Puma, Kmart, and more under one roof and others like Home Depot and Caribbean Cinemas provide good safe shopping. Great restaurants like Chillis, Ihop and Macaroni & Grill. All of this with good parking space and a food court with great variety and many awesome kiosks.

  • Joanny Milagros Pagan

    Joanny Milagros Pagan


    To much hole in the road to het there

  • Katherine Figueroa-Silva

    Katherine Figueroa-Silva


    I visited specifically, the new Baskin Robbins at The Marketplace at Montehiedra. It was an enjoyable experience visiting this new store. Protective measures being well followed, in store. Hand sanitizer at entrance, tables blocked for distancing and ordering and ice cream freezers well protected with plastic shields. It has handicap ramp and entrance and drive through. Their ice cream selections is very varied and quickly served.

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