United States Postal Service i Cidra

Puerto RicoUnited States Postal Service



🕗 åbningstider

100 Ave Industrial, Cidra, 00739, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.1718316, Longitude: -66.1577294

kommentar 5

  • Jose Rivera

    Jose Rivera


    God bless USA 🙋‍♂️🙏🙏🙏

  • Rose Michelle

    Rose Michelle


    Strolling my package. He arrived today, I went to look for him, they did not have info about where he was, according to them he had not yet reached the Cidra facilities. At 2pm I received a notification that the package was in Cidra today and they marked it that they went to deliver it and later, they sent it to another office. Why do they return the packages the same day? It is not my fault that Amazon is not communicative with customers. I have been tracking the package every hour to prevent it from being returned, but you see them immediately; they don't give you a chance to go get it. What is technology for? Why do you put a phone in the address? The fault lies with Amazon, but even if one tries not to lose the package, you do not cooperate either.

  • Gerardo “Gerry” Armaiz

    Gerardo “Gerry” Armaiz


    Excellent staff, great service and keeps getting better. Thanks guys/gals 4 your wonderful job!

  • D Chan

    D Chan


    The postal workers are friendly and knowledgeable at this post office. Whenever I go to this post office, I hardly have to wait on line. There’s a lot of parking!

  • Japhet Ortiz

    Japhet Ortiz


    Cidras had a great post office five star rating love it

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