United States Postal Service i San Juan

Puerto RicoUnited States Postal Service



🕗 åbningstider

100, Calle Paseo de Colón, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4646299, Longitude: -66.1122543

kommentar 5

  • Christian



    I wish there was a specific phone number to call per local post office since I'm having trouble with a package. It's stuck in San Juan and I live in Cayey...I guess I'll do the trip.

  • D. Luria

    D. Luria


    Priority Mail materials well stocked & easily accessible. Staff very prompt and helpful. This PO is a very short walk from the cruise terminal, allowing you to send home all those souvenirs that could overload your luggage on the flight home.

  • Sharon Gibson-Tyler

    Sharon Gibson-Tyler


    Excellent service, materials were neatly stacked and labels available. I was acknowledged as soon as I walked through the door and my questions were anticipated and immediately answered. Great staff!

  • Deborah Pendergast

    Deborah Pendergast


    Excellent, kind, professional service at the Old San Juan Post Office - plus always clean and neat! The best PO in PR! I Have a PO Box there and conduct business there because of their superior high quality service and knowledgeable staff. Thank you! –Deborah

  • MattnJeni M

    MattnJeni M


    Friendly workers. Nice atmosphere inside. Spacious PO box area. Usually a long line around lunch time. The PO boxes are filled by noon with yellow cards sometime between 12 and 4pm. A bit slow but ok.

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