United States Postal Service i Toa Alta

Puerto RicoUnited States Postal Service



🕗 åbningstider

125, Puerto Rico 165, 00953, Toa Alta, Contorno, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3821616, Longitude: -66.2547027

kommentar 5

  • john sabik

    john sabik


    Worst customer service. 2 missing packages after delivery confirmation states in mail box. No response from supervisor. Cant file insurance. Going to file report for suspected stolen mail to Post Master Inspector General! I suggest for all those who are missing packages in the area do the same. Too much of a coincidence that multiple people in same Toa Alta area missing packages. And poor reviews support daily operations not operating ethically. I am sure there would be more complaints, but not everyone knows the process.

  • Kids Fashion

    Kids Fashion


    They don’t deliver to the right address and they don’t respond to their mistakes! Horrible customer service, and they barely pick their phones up, they should close this down, this only cause stress to customer

  • Bryan López

    Bryan López


    They’re experts are delivering packages to wrong addresses

  • Josh Segovia

    Josh Segovia


    Horrible. Carelessness for packages

  • Jorge Soto-Andrade

    Jorge Soto-Andrade


    They were not able to find our home address to deliver a parcel from amazon It was complete however. Then, impossible to join the post office by phone

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