University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus i San Juan

Puerto RicoUniversity of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus


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Paseo Doctor José Celso Barbosa, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-758-2525
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3964683, Longitude: -66.0745314

kommentar 5

  • Carmen Cruz

    Carmen Cruz


    Very professional staff. Including compassion and understantable doctors and nurses. The doctor will explain to you the procedure and performs almost pain free. Covid consients keeping the six feet distance in the waiting room. I have been treated at this clinic for close to three years and have no complaints. I recommend it 100%>.

  • Luis R Pérez Duvergé

    Luis R Pérez Duvergé


    This center is offering an excellent service that meets two needs at the same time, giving a service to the community and at the same time educating future dentists for Puerto Rico.The quality of the service does not have to envy anything to any private or foreign institution.

  • Hilda Michelle

    Hilda Michelle


    Nice school of medicine. Campus looks good. Very accessible.

  • nancy santos

    nancy santos


    Nice hospital, but parking uffff

  • God's child Ortiz

    God's child Ortiz


    The best

nærmeste Universitet

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