Valenzuela Locks i San Juan

Puerto RicoValenzuela Locks



🕗 åbningstider

Urb, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-756-7171
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.413916, Longitude: -66.0790016

kommentar 5

  • Rafael Brisueno

    Rafael Brisueno


    Not friendly treatment, attendant was like afraid.

  • Jon



    Were able to make a key for a lock made in Italy. Leopard boats are hard to find keys for and Valenzuela was able to make a key.

  • Javier DeNardo

    Javier DeNardo


    Convenient. Handles all types of keys, locks, home or automotive.

  • Elisa Storer

    Elisa Storer


    Valenzuela locks....hmmm, one key was well made, the other key was a disaster...a complete disaster, the guy winged now I have no idea what to do....he was amiable, kind, well mannered but.......

  • Da KFC bucket

    Da KFC bucket


    Guy doesnt even know how to do his job or how to copy keys properly when I asked him to copy a simple key he didnt do it properly I not being a locksmith couls tell the key would not fit and informed him of this then he begins to say since the lock is chinese hes having issues and id need to bring the lock I asking him for my money back for such horrible service he refused and told me theres nothing he could do

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