VIP Adventures Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoVIP Adventures Puerto Rico



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860, Avenida Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-466-0131
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4603019, Longitude: -66.082742

kommentar 5

  • Michael Figueroa

    Michael Figueroa


    Rented a double kayak from here to try our luck at seeing the Manatees. It was too windy and wavy, so no Manatee. However, we had a good time on the Lagoon and the price for an hour wasn’t bad ($35).

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    Lee Platt


    We went for kayaking paddle board and snorkeling they cut us a deal which was cool. Can't complain about the services they offer they couldn't have done any better. But the light skinned Puerto Rican teenager they had working the stand had a few friends that came by and hey offered to sell us some bud. It was only ten dollars but we gave it to them and they never came back. Only reason this affects the business is that it was an employee that was involved. Moral of the story go there and paddle board, but don't buy and weed from young guys there.

  • Giancarlo Soto

    Giancarlo Soto


    Kayaking, Paddleboarding, serenity, family time, and more... Condado Lagoon Rental for water sports.

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    Maria Arizaga


    Service was great very friendly staff. We rented kayaks and enjoyed them very much.

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    Ashley Temaat


    These people are crooks. They also own any Air BNB 364 Calle San Francisco. They cancelled on us 2 days before our trip, because they got government subsidy that payed more. They gave us an excuse that the water and power were not on yet, but they had it occupied all through November. And we called from another number, and they offered the property, same date, ridiculous rate. This VIP adventure company is horrible too.

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