Walgreens i Carolina

Puerto RicoWalgreens



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Avenida Campo Rico, 00982, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-776-2001
internet side: www.walgreens.com
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Latitude: 18.4158825, Longitude: -65.9920873

kommentar 5

  • Myrna Agosto

    Myrna Agosto


    Friendly, once they get to know you they call you by name .It's a community driven kind of place. Usually you find everything your looking for.I always have a good experience. They are always willing to help.

  • Maneida C.

    Maneida C.


    The new puertorican "colmadito de la esquina", basically no choice but to pay more for the convenience of shopping for almost everything in one place. I have made my peace with that. I figured a way to spend less time and money here was to order online and pick up in store, that way I don't stray from what I actually need to buy. However, I am fuming mad after placing an order this morning for some last minute Christmas gifts hoping to pick up on my way home from work. I called the store after waiting several hours for my order to be confirmed for pickup. The associate apologized for their "system" not working, I gave her my order info. and she promised before the day was over I would be notified. It is 7 p.m. and no word, no online order status, nothing. Called the store again and after jumping the hoops to speak with an employee my call was dropped. I'ts not like I can go and purchase gifts at the mall now so I will give very "merry" apologies to the giftless people on my list. Well, thanks to my local Walgreens.

  • Jose Miguel Perez

    Jose Miguel Perez


    It is about telephone calls made between yesterday and today. No even one of the seven calls made to RX counter were answered. They picked up the telephone and hanged it immediately without speaking. Very respectful from the employees.

  • Dannys Favorites

    Dannys Favorites


    Good service

  • rammolo zaid

    rammolo zaid


    This is a kind of store that besides going for your medical prescription you have a lot of variety on health care products, household products and a lot of more stuff at very expensive prices, but I do understand the convenience of getting almost anything in just one place, they have very good weekly specials in a lot of stuff, the place is clean and at times cashier lines get way too long and these people are kind of slow so I have left the shopping cart a lot of times and leave the store, there sometimes very elderly people making those lines makes me the sense that the management of this particular store are very unsensible people, this is a clear disrespect to those older people.

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