Walmart Supercenter i Caguas

Puerto RicoWalmart Supercenter



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301, Avenida Rafael Cordero, 00725, Caguas, Bairoa, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-653-1376
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2471326, Longitude: -66.0163522

kommentar 5

  • Brian Castillo

    Brian Castillo


    It's a small town Walmart, so don't expect the same variety as a U.S. Walmart. Aside from that, as in any place in P.R. always park near the establishment exit, not the parking lot exit. This reduces the high theft rate here. There a couple homeless people here too, be kind but careful as always. This is common in P.R. Now for the Walmart, it has limited variety compared to U.S. Walmarts, but it has good 7/10 variety compared to other supermarkets in the area. This is partially because Walmart owns Amigo supermarkets too. So you will find the same products there along with the Great Value Brand. Most of the employees are glad to help, others seem to have soul cancer and some just do what they are told and nothing else. All in all a good experience. You go in get what you want and get out. They have done a good job of letting you in and out fast and that is a plus.

  • Samuel Salwei

    Samuel Salwei


    Maybe post your hours of operation?

  • Maria Ostolaza

    Maria Ostolaza


    Love it cause it's asesable for my personal needs♿

  • Jeannette Rolon

    Jeannette Rolon


    Have everything you need.

  • Maria M Ramirez (Millie)

    Maria M Ramirez (Millie)


    Prices are reasonable but definitely not inexpensive

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