Washam Laundromat and Dry Cleaning i San Juan

Puerto RicoWasham Laundromat and Dry Cleaning



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Calle López Landrón, 00923, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-633-6363
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4496599, Longitude: -66.0632191

kommentar 5

  • David Braver

    David Braver


  • Tommy Gon

    Tommy Gon


  • xeophaje



    Quite a large number of machines that are not operating and you end up playing a game that I like to refer to as laundry roulette. It is also annoying having to request someone turn on the machine for you as their card system is also not operating.

  • Romulo Otero

    Romulo Otero


    A lot of damaged machine

  • ylenia ayala

    ylenia ayala


    I called on May 13 to confirm schedule, I went after work and a very kind lady told me that the last batch should be before 7pm. Today May 15 I went (pq yesterday 14 was closed when it passes, before 6:30 pm) another lady (it did not sound the same as the one who spoke to me on the phone) told me that they closed at 7pm, and she had already squared. If they changed the schedule, they should notify all employees.

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