Yunque Ziplining Meeting Point i Luquillo

Puerto RicoYunque Ziplining Meeting Point



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Caja Postal # 727, Luquillo, 00773, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-529-2496
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3568602, Longitude: -65.7486613

kommentar 5

  • Mary Hill

    Mary Hill


    This was my first time ziplining and it was amazing. Our guides, Roberto and Jenny were very informative and explained everything we needed to know to stay safe and enjoy our experience. Definitely recommend!

  • Michael Price

    Michael Price


    This was an awesome experience. The staff are awesome, friendly, funny and very up beat. They go out of there way to make the customers feel safe, excited, and engaged . This is a must do adventure. And If I come back I will schedule again with them

  • Glenn Huff

    Glenn Huff


    Younqiqe is Nestled in an abandoned summer camp along a beautiful river, these zip lines are some of the most fun I’ve had. Well worth choosing this group for a safe, entertaining flight through the rainforest. If you do an earlier time, you can swim in the river. Beware though, the man at the gate can be pretty grumpy but the guides are chill and cool.

  • Jade Lominy

    Jade Lominy


    The tour was very safe but also exciting. I had never been zip lining before, but working with Roberto and his team my son (8) and I felt very safe. It was a quality experience and I would do it again. All of their equipment was well-maintained as well as each zip line platform. You can’t go wrong booking with Yunque Zipline!

  • Tricia Jane Wiles

    Tricia Jane Wiles


    Hospitable, kind, educational and joyous. If you are looking for a genuinely good time Ziplining and exploring - Yunque Ziplining is the experience for you. Jenny - instructing for 13 years - calm, cool and a pro. Roberto - hilarious and a fantastic teacher. Joalex - ready for every single ride and even made us some coffee before we started the hike. An amazing team, amazing views and the perfect start to your Ziplining journey through El Yunque.

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