Amado Amado Salon & Body i San Juan

Puerto RicoAmado Amado Salon & Body



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525 Av. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Local 505, San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-250-0222
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.421637, Longitude: -66.074853

kommentar 5

  • es

    Magda Canales


    Si tienes rizos como Yo!!! Te recomiendo ir donde Rosa.. profesional, 100% recomiendo su trabajo cortó mi cabello paso x paso. Mientras me fue explicando el cuidado apropiado. Me dedicó el tiempo apropiado. Chicas de cabello rizo. Vayan al salón y pregunté por Rosa!!! No se arrepentirán.

  • Natte Scott

    Natte Scott


    Expensive and not friendly. A bit rude... But they don't care because they have the traffic! $83 for just doing the nails!

  • Camilo Torres

    Camilo Torres


    Dismissive and rude. Walked in for a mens haircut, the stylist told me he didnt do baber style haircuts, turned around and left.

  • en

    Shannon Metzger


    Such a disappointment! As my boyfriend and i were walking through Plaza, we passed the salon. He had just bought me a new ring and offered to treat me to a mani/pedi. I had to ask the employee to redo 5 nails because the polish was totally uneven with pools by the cuticles and bare spots in the center. The shapes were also inconsistent, which makes sense because the employee was more interested in chatting with a coworker than focusing on my nails. When it came time to pay I was told that I owed $85!! I got regular polish, and i was told the manicure was $25. I cannot believe that the pedicure was close to $60. I ended up having to redo 3 finger nails and apply another coat to most of my toes myself. I was just lucky to have the same color at home already.

  • Taonex Perez Medina

    Taonex Perez Medina


    Fui este domingo pasado noviembre 5,2017. Madrugue para ir, con la intencion de cortarme el pelo a tijeras. Hize el numero 2 en la lista. Espere 49 minutos, y en mi cara pasaron mas 6 caballeros. La muchacha embarazada ni le importo nada. Habia una muchacha trigueña que con el ombligo x fuera ni sabia el mundo que vivia. Horrible. Hay q ser de guaynabo para q lo traten bien?? Cuando pregunte a la de recepcion, me indico q me sacaria cita con alguien q si llegaba a las 11am. Pregunta? Y quien administra eso ahi. Otro muchacho pasiando con el celular y sacandose selfie. Realmente cuando no hay gato los ratones hacen fiesta. O si estaba no sirve. Me fui molesto, y termine sin recorte.

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