Amado Amado Salon & Body i San Juan

Puerto RicoAmado Amado Salon & Body



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525, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-250-0222
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.421637, Longitude: -66.074853

kommentar 5

  • Luca Mar

    Luca Mar


    Great salon, fast service and excellent stylists

  • Jorge Rivera-Surillo

    Jorge Rivera-Surillo


    Best barber shop in the area! Marcelo

  • Patria Del Valle

    Patria Del Valle


    Great haircut!! Had visited previously but this recent experience was outstanding! Jorge Luis Peña is an expert in his field, a great human being and I loved his work! Looking forward to my next appointment!




    If you are looking for a top notch haircut, this is the place. Jonathan is one of the best barbers there with more than 25 years of experience in the art of cutting hair. Personnel is really friendly.

  • Kenia Rivera

    Kenia Rivera


    After read all the bad reviews, I was afraid of visit this salon but I did last Monday. I have to say this was an outstanding service. I asked for the price of a blow dry first and the stylist gave me a reasonable price ($10 more than the salon I visit regularly which is not much). There were no long waiting time and I asked for a haircut price which was reasonable as well. Marina took the time to gave me a personalized consultation to decide what type of haircut would be better solely based on my characteristics and considering the actual trends. She did an amazing job with my hair and I could see how experienced and well prepared she is due to her haircut techniques. I'm very exigent or "picky" person and I'm glad of gave a chance to Plaza Las Americas Salon.

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