Ashford Dental i San Juan

Puerto RicoAshford Dental



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1018, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-998-7778
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4586999, Longitude: -66.0773476

kommentar 5

  • Oriana Juvelier

    Oriana Juvelier


    Best Dentist office and service on island. Highly educated and billingual staff. Communicates through email , and confirms appointments . Highly recommend. For those complaining about having appointments later than take in time- remember patience is a virtue..

  • Jessica Ilse

    Jessica Ilse


    Bilingual staff, friendly. Clean and modern facility - digital x-rays and ultrasonic teeth cleaning tech. They only serve adults. The best part, the make appointments and actually take you at the appointment time (unlike every other doctor or dentist I have experienced in Puerto Rico). It’s like stateside service 🤯

  • John Barry

    John Barry


    great Dr.s. great dental work. Caring and careful work.

  • qbeejlo



    BEST doc experience in Puerto Rico. He took me at the time of the appointment, which if you live in PR you know this is unheard of and you wait minimum 3 hours in the waiting room. Super attentive, informative and helpful! I was blown away by the service and professionalism.

  • Mirwais Popal

    Mirwais Popal


    Amazing service Doctor Cruz took us right away while away on vacation for a last minute issue. The office is very clean and they were accommodating.

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