Dr. Clyde H Fasick Juliá / Laser Dental Center i San Juan

Puerto RicoDr. Clyde H Fasick Juliá / Laser Dental Center



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Ashford Medical Center, 29 Washington St, suite 808, San Juan, PR 00907
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-4776
internet side: www.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.455043, Longitude: -66.065918

kommentar 1

  • marie victoire

    marie victoire


    very disrespectful office , i came to this office art 2.50 pm for an appointment at 3 pm , i sat in the minuscule waiting room among 6 other people , a secretary watching tv or listening to radio , not in rush to do anything ... after 15 minutes i ask the secretary if all these people are before me because if it is the case i would come back another day . she says no , after 1 hour of waiting , she opens the door and call another patient and she says that i will be after him , i am sorry but i do not mind waiting 1 hour for an appointment but not 2 hours , i have other things to do that waiting for an unorganized doctor . anywhere in the world , if the doctor starts getting late for more than 1 hour they call you to come a hour later !!! 30 / 45 minutes are standard waiting time , a hour but not 2 hours !!!

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