AutoGrupo Kia i San Juan

Puerto RicoAutoGrupo Kia



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Calle Bechara, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-493-0360
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4254577, Longitude: -66.0947234

kommentar 5

  • Steven Butler

    Steven Butler


    Went for service and it was fast service. Good CS!

  • Rafy Molina Perez CHIA

    Rafy Molina Perez CHIA


    Great wi-fi

  • Minerva Rivera

    Minerva Rivera


    Great staff and they will help u get the best deals!

  • paccs sAUV division pt faa 107

    paccs sAUV division pt faa 107


    Smooth service very tech

  • Naari Ramirez

    Naari Ramirez


    Please DO NOT buy or service your KIA at this location. The Service Department is very irresponsible. I have brought my car twice for the same issue that is covered under warranty. The brake pads need change, but the mechanic does not want to change it. They want the pads to damage the rotors so that the repair is substantially more expensive. We have warranty, and paid for extra coverage, however, they still want to charge for work that is included in the warranty. Typical mechanical thiefs!!!

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