Banco Popular - Sucursal San Patricio i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoBanco Popular - Sucursal San Patricio



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Primer Nivel, Calle Ortegón, Local E-10, Centro Comercial San Patricio, Guaynabo, 00920, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-273-0463
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4084347, Longitude: -66.1060031

kommentar 5

  • Yadira Daumont

    Yadira Daumont


    I would love to know the name of the manager From this branch, what came out of the bank to give me my ck with my federal I'd that they always took me as validation, and what did I indicate that I'd never been accepted when I've gone countless times, I kindly told him what I understood Because of the PÚA they were more aware and it came out screaming to me to forget the PÚA. More, however, I took my US license with a married and electoral name. I do not want to think what was an act of discrimination and that there was no logical reason why they did not accept my federal ID and their treatment was grotesque and outrageous. No manager leaves his office to return a ck in the car bank. I will be escalating this extremely outrageous situation!

  • Yadira Garcia

    Yadira Garcia


    Slow slow slowwwwww

  • J C Lugo

    J C Lugo


    The personal service was fast, where it was slow is in the information of the electronic system.

  • Carmen J Delgado

    Carmen J Delgado


    Excelent service

  • Ricardo Moreno

    Ricardo Moreno


    Convenient within the mall, deposits can be made from the ATH

nærmeste Bank

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