FirstBank i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoFirstBank



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Galería San Patricio Calle Tabonuco B-5 Urb, Guaynabo, 00968, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-707-1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4072186, Longitude: -66.106703

kommentar 5

  • Julie Ortiz

    Julie Ortiz


    They do not answer for appointment To do so they hang / hours waiting for maq service .....

  • Michael Ramirez

    Michael Ramirez


    The worst service of all the Firstbanks I have visited

  • Jose Ojeda

    Jose Ojeda


    Very slow service

  • Coralys Brito Berrios (Lalyversus)

    Coralys Brito Berrios (Lalyversus)


    Extremely slow service, the auto bank waiting is more than an hour, unacceptable and inefficient and on top of that the customer service is semi decent. I am not inspired or opened an account in this bank since for this type of service the formula is not working. I have to come to this bank constantly and there is no improvement or change so I will come because I have to do it not because I want to. If I had to make a comparison I would say that First Bank and Church’s chicken is the same. Thank you Update: Here I am a month later waiting 1 hour and a half. (Some things never change)

  • MariaElena



    Very slow service. Will close accounts.

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