Bahia Beach Resort & Golf Club i Río Grande

Puerto RicoBahia Beach Resort & Golf Club


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Puerto Rico 187, 00745, Río Grande, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-809-8890
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Latitude: 18.4106236, Longitude: -65.8259495

kommentar 5

  • en

    Savannah Scott


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... Bahia Beach Resort & Golf Club is home to one of the top-rated and finest championship golf courses in Puerto Rico. The excellent tree-lined and open parkland layout contains a wealth of wonderfully crafted, memorable and challenging holes. Definitely a course that will challenge your all-round game, and well worth going out of your way to play. At this Stay&Play facility, you can rise from your bed in the morning and head straight for the first tee.

  • Frank Peña

    Frank Peña


    Si quiere compartir un buen día familiar visite Bahía Benach resorte golf club tolete promoción

  • Suzanne Butler

    Suzanne Butler


    Bahia Beach Resort & Golf Club is home to one of the top-rated and finest championship golf courses in Puerto Rico. The excellent tree-lined and open parkland layout contains a wealth of wonderfully crafted, memorable and challenging holes. Definitely a course that will challenge your all-round game, and well worth going out of your way to play. At this Stay&Play facility, you can rise from your bed in the morning and head straight for the first tee.

  • Ruth Fuentes

    Ruth Fuentes


    Un lugar espectacular, sus áreas verdes muy bien cuidadas, sus villas bellas y espaciosas. Un buen lugar, para vacacional y pasar junto a amigos y familiares.

  • es

    Cristina Pomales


    El resort es un sueño y el trato de los empleados es fenomenal. Un buen lugar para relajarse o compartir en familia. Tienen actividades todo el día, para toda la familia. Mi favorito son los inflables en el lago, las bicicletas y alimentar a los peces en la tarde. Además, la celebración del atardecer con champaña es divino.

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