Ben & Jerry's Condado i San Juan

Puerto RicoBen & Jerry's Condado



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1049, Ashford Ave, 00907, San Juan, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-0596
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4579082, Longitude: -66.0745721

kommentar 5

  • en

    Todd Bellew


    Awesome ice cream spot! They also have some great non dairy options. The location is nice as it's right next to the beach with inside and outside seating. They also serve a limited amount of food from a menu. In my experience, the employees are very helpful and friendly. If you're staying in the Condado area and looking for a treat, this wont disappoint you

  • es

    Jan Burgos


    Muy bueno y esquisito!!

  • Raul Colon

    Raul Colon


    The last two visits have been a huge disappointment. First Disappointing Visit in February they could have handled charging me for an item they did not have in a better way. After getting charged the staff realizes they have no more #vegan options. They make a mistake and then ask me to pay an Additional $1 for another product. I had already spent $25+ (plus tip) on different items was the $1 for their mistake needed. Customer service before the Hurricane was ok. The the last visits have been under par. On my last visit, I ask for 3 items on my order. They get one of the items wrong. Instead of fixing it the server decides to grab an attitude with me and tell me he can't correct the mistake because it has already been charged. I ask for my money back, and that also seemed to create more confusion. So I asked for my money back although once again I had given the staff a tip of over 30% and still, the staff made a mistake. Instead of making it easy to fix the mistake they decided to hand me the item I did not want for free. I ended leaving the item on the Table since that proves the point they instead give me something I don't want for free then charging me the right amount and giving me what I want with excellent service and a smile.

  • en

    Yelitza Vega Castro


    I had a very bad experience in the Condado Store. They don't know how to treat the locals. The old guy who serviced me was super nice to the foreigners in the store; and then had a very nasty 'I don't care for your business' attitude towards me-- it seems like he sees foreigners as a $$ signs. I guess he works for tips-- shame on him-- I prefer the local store at Torrimar much much better. I do not know if the stores share the same owners, but what I do know is that the employees over at Torrimar are much friendlier to the locals.

  • Carrie Kargel

    Carrie Kargel


    It can be hard to find good internet reception in Puerto Rico sometimes. It can also be difficult to find organic food. Here I discovered both of these AND an ocean view!! The staff were kind and helpful, the hummus plate was delicious, and they even substituted organic multi-grain bread for my pita (since refined products tend to be hard for me to digest). Thank you!!!!

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