Cafe Caribe i San Juan

Puerto RicoCafe Caribe



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1211-1429, Avenida Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-8833
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Latitude: 18.4609867, Longitude: -66.0814712

kommentar 5

  • Jim Turner

    Jim Turner


    Much better choice for local PR coffee than Starbucks. Great view. Prices aren't too bad.

  • en

    Victor Wilhelm


    Fantastic view and good breakfast. What a way to start the day. Prices are what you expect from a hotel cafe in this area of Condado. They also have good deserts. The cafe is on the second floor of the hotel. #travelformortals

  • Rachel Mcintyre

    Rachel Mcintyre


    Ice cream cones were pretty tiny

  • Trevor McCampbell

    Trevor McCampbell


    Ate here a couple of times. Once for a late night snack and the other for breakfast. Both times were great. The view was outstanding as well.

  • Robert Warner

    Robert Warner


    The first time the food was good, other times lacking flavor. We ate here more than I'd like to admit , don't order the Pina Colada! The chicken sub was pretty good. The staff was friendly but on one occasion we heard an employee being screamed at by management for the food taking too long to come out. I would recommend you explore the area and try something else!

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