Gustos Coffee Co. Miramar i San Juan

Puerto RicoGustos Coffee Co. Miramar



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Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-300-2580
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.453937, Longitude: -66.079857

kommentar 5

  • es

    alberto valdes


    Los felicito!!! Estaba de mal humor y de repente entré a desayunarme algo y me encontré con un sitio de paz, buena música, buen ambiente, exelente decoración y un servicio de excelencia. Cambio mi día!!! Gracias por este espacio para Borinquén 💕

  • Carlos Robledo

    Carlos Robledo


    Awesome little place. The coffee is superb, but what I really enjoyed most was the light breakfast fare. Just had a simple ham, egg and cheese sandwich and it was great!

  • José Oliver-Didier

    José Oliver-Didier


    Excellent coffee and a great atmosphere. The place has also outdoor seating which is nice. During the mid day it can get full easily. Parking is available but may get full as well, if there is a spot on the street nearby to park your car, do opt for that option.

  • Ramón Olivencia

    Ramón Olivencia


    Magnífico lugar para tomarse un buen café, con buenas atenciones, un ambiente acogedor y un entorno limpio. La brisa que sopla desde la laguna es magnífica.

  • Nico Fontán

    Nico Fontán


    sexy atmosphere, ~hip~ but kind of yuppie... creative decor and color scheme reminds me of the sepia camera filter. big space, high ceilings they keep their doors completely open so there is no barrier between the inside and their outdoor seating area, which i really liked. open air flow their coffee is amazing. i don't regularly drink coffee and am very selective/critical when i do since i don't love the taste of espresso. my friends who are avid coffee drinkers also loved the coffee

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